A shady pharmaceutical company, a whistle blower and information that needs to be made public.
Digital Interruption have teamed up with DWP to create a Capture the Flag for Techfest. You take the role of a hacker who stumbles across a conspiracy and decides to use their skills to help save the world.
Welcome to the start of the TechFest CTF! A CTF (Capture the Flag) is a game which allows you to use “hacking” to, well, capture a flag. Every CTF does things differently but in this one the flags are in the format {flag:xxx}.
If you’ve ever found a creative solution to a problem, you’re a hacker 😀
This CTF has been designed to solvable without any hacking experience. Most of the solutions can be found using common and online tools.
Head over to https://techfest.digitalinterruption.com/ and create an account. This will be the scoreboard where you’ll find a link to the first challenge and submit the flags when you find them.
Of course not! If it were, we wouldn’t have a company. It’s illegal to hack things you don’t have permission to hack, but these challenges have been purpose built so go hack and have fun.
To make sure you don’t risk attacking things you shouldn’t, make sure you stay in scope and only attack the systems that are part of the CTF.
Part of the challenge is figuring that. The CTF has been designed so solving one challenge will give you the next part so sign up on https://techfest.digitalinterruption.com/ for a link to the first challenge.
A CTF is a really good opportunity to learn new skills so if you get stuck, keep googling! If you get really really stuck, you can talk to one of the CTF organisers or drop Jay an email on jahmel@digitalinterruption.com who may be able to provide some hints.