Mental Health in Tech – be part of the solution, not part of the problem

By Saskia This week I gave the introductory talk at the Techs and the City event about mental health. I have a lot of experience in this area and have deep concerns about how mental health is handled, both generally in the tech industry, but specifically in cybersecurity. The reception to all the talks was amazing, I was asked to turn mine into a blog post. This is the post. This is not just my experience but a call to action, so if you have the time please read to […]

“Hackers keep me up at night”​

This is something that was said to us by a small business owner who was worried their company and data wasn’t secure. To me, a statement like this means the infosec community has made it too difficult for small companies to take security into their own hands and be confident they’ve done it right. How do small companies become secure? Now it’s certainly true that hackers can be scary. There is a strange “unknown” that goes with the idea that someone could be attacking your company, reading your emails or […]