TEMPEST in Action

Digital Interruption is lucky enough to have a penetration testing team which consists of experienced hackers and penetration testers. This means we often have the pleasure of experimenting with attacks and demonstrating weaknesses that might otherwise only be seen as theoretical attacks. One great example of this is TEMPEST – also known as Van Eck Phreaking. In this blog post, we’ll see TEMPEST in action and try and help you understand whether this is an attack you should worry about. What is TEMPEST? First, some background. TEMPEST is an attack […]

“Hackers keep me up at night”​

This is something that was said to us by a small business owner who was worried their company and data wasn’t secure. To me, a statement like this means the infosec community has made it too difficult for small companies to take security into their own hands and be confident they’ve done it right. How do small companies become secure? Now it’s certainly true that hackers can be scary. There is a strange “unknown” that goes with the idea that someone could be attacking your company, reading your emails or […]

Taking Security Into Your Own Hands

At Digital Interruption we’re passionate about data and passionate about security. As well as offering the usual services you’d expect from a security company, like penetration testing and vulnerability scanning we also work with companies to help them embed security in to the core of their business. We work to advise and empower companies, embedding the skills they need to secure themselves through our training and compliance services. We believe that security is fundamental to development and should be available to everyone, not just those that can afford the hefty prices charged by many […]